What is osteopathy?
Osteopathy is a manual medicine born in the United States in 1874, by Dr. Andrew Taylor Still. Its founder believed that every disease is reflected on the skeletal muscle apparatus. The principle behind osteopathic treatment is that manipulations of bones, muscles and other tissues free from the obstacles that prevent good circulation of fluids and proper nerve conduction, thus stimulating the body’s natural self-healing capabilities. Osteopathy is a non-invasive prevention and care method based on manual contact for both diagnosis and treatment.
Who can be helped by an Osteopath?
Osteopathy is aimed at all age groups: from newborn to elderly, to pregnant woman. In fact, the key role of osteopathy is prevention, which is why even a young child can benefit from osteopathic treatment.
When is it useful to contact an Osteopath?
The main symptom for which the osteopath is addressed is pain. Pain in the spine and joints, postural disorders (scoliosis, curved back, hypercifosis, hyperlordosis), headaches, sciatica, discopathy, muscle contractures, arthrosis and trauma are the most frequent reasons; however it is good to remember that the osteopath is not limited to relieving the symptomatology but looks at the body as a unit and, through the treatment, tries to bring harmony to the whole body, without excluding the skull, the mouth and the problems of occlusion.
What techniques does the osteopath use, for what purpose?
There are different approaches and techniques that can be used in osteopathy according to the age and the problems presented by the patient.
The main groups are: cranio-sacral techniques, structural techniques, functional techniques and visceral techniques. Cranio-sacral techniques, for example, are soft techniques that act on the congruence movement between the bones of the skull and on the movement of the sacrum between the iliac bones, and are widely used on children.
Structural techniques, on the other hand, are direct techniques used to restore mobility to an articulation that has a restriction.
The techniques used by the osteopath are intended to alleviate painful symptoms through the mechanical displacement of fluids and the removal of toxic substances with neuro-vascular and neuro-muscular effects, thus producing changes at the metabolic, biochemical and circulatory level, favoring the restoration of homeostasis of the individual.
If you are looking for an osteopath in Milan, contact us!